Super: sorry for rancid turkey

The British supermarket chain Tesco has apologized for selling rancid turkeys.

According to The Guardian, many people reported that they had sought salvation in delivery meals because the turkeys were rotten and rancid. Some specimens were so rotten that the inside looked green. They had paid up to 65 euros each.

'Can you imagine my sheer panic when, on Christmas Day, I removed the turkey from the package and smelled a foul smell, while I was fed ten people,' wrote a woman from Essex. Another, from Stafford: '£ 250 wasted. A terrible meal and eight people sick. '

Tesco says to investigate the case and give everyone his money back. 'We set ourselves very high standards, so we look at how we deal with this small number of complaints in the past few days. 'The exact number of complaints remains unclear.