Sugar in no years so cheap

The price for sugar in a cup of coffee or tea has gone further down the market.

India, despite large stocks, goes to an eye record thanks to favorable weeks with rain. India is the largest consumer in the world and has already increased production in recent years.

Again Wednesday, 3% of the price for white sugar went down, which has already been falling sharply. Future prices for subsequent delivery of brown sugar lots fell by 4%. India wants to export more white sugar because of the abundance.

Sugar cane mills run with losses, about $ 0.11 in the end a kilo of sugar, according to data from collector Bloomberg.

Since 2015, sugar has not been that cheap. New major harvests Thailand are pushing the forward contracts for the price.

At the same time, the currency of big producer Brazil, the real. This currency decline gives local producers a douceur, since contracts are all settled in dollars.

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