Student-ov-week card possible on Sunday

Students with an OV-week ticket can eventually perhaps already on Sunday on the card to travel by train.

'By introducing more flexibility in the student travel product we give students the opportunity to travel at the times that suit them best, such as the sun. At the same time such an adjustment alleviate rush hour traffic on Monday morning, 'said government.

Students welcomed the plan. 'Watching expansion is a good plan,' said Jarmo Berkhout, Chairman of the National Union of Students (LSVb). Last year, another plan of the Dutch Railways led to much opposition from students. The NS wanted to shift educational lectures to ask the evenings in order to reduce the crowds at the train during rush hour.

With a weekly subscription students now travel between Monday 04:00 and 04:00 Saturday and beyond free discount. From which time the 'weekly ticket' than on Sunday, all will apply is still viewed.