Still warm farewell to war veteran

It promised to be a sad farewell to the 92-year-old British war veteran Tom Bryan.

The veteran had only four surviving relatives who could be at his cremation ceremony. But thanks to a call from his cousin on Facebook- it was shared about a thousand times- there are four hundred people gathered on Tuesday off. Bryan fought during World War II, a way out of a Japanese prisoner of war camp, where he witnessed many atrocities. Cousin Tony Budgett found that his uncle had given a respectful farewell. And that was Bryan. Tom Bryan's four surviving relatives expected to be alone. They are not. Hundreds of caring people made ​​sure of that. pic. twitter. com / t8fqpReZ0O - Rob Smith (robsmithitv) November 10, 2015 Mournersturn out tofuneralof confused heroTom Bryan afterM. E. N. appeal https : // t. co / q9nlHnXTzT pic. twitter. com / 8CXTh5GjZo- Stockport Express (stockportnews) November 10, 2015