Stewardess wanted on mysterious flight

The American company AECOM is looking for crew members for flights where supreme secrecy is required, in an area close to the very secret Area 51.

The vacancy, which has since been removed but was stored in the archives of the internet, states, among other things, that 'top secret clearance' is required. The staff must also be able to think clearly about 'hijackings' or 'bomb reports'.

Some flights go to a small but heavily armed air base in Las Vegas. Where the rest goes is not known. According to American media, cabin crew could well end up in Area51, the secret military area near Las Vegas.

The stewards and stewardesses would work for 'Janet', a small airline of AECOM whose existence is still denied by the American government. Those planes probably bring personnel to and from Area 51, USA Today writes.

Why the vacancy has been removed is not known.