Steward American Airlines suspended

American Airlibes, in response to the nuisance that one of her employees had struck a two-child passenger, suspended the steward.

According to witnesses, the trolley was detained with violence, which led to the woman to severe emotions and to other passengers to much outrage. One of them filmed everything that happened afterwards. A male passenger who interfered with the matter was challenged by the American Airlines officer: 'Hit me!'

The video was made by another passenger, Surain Adyanthaya, who reported to be filming after the American employee 'with some violence unpacked a baby's baby carriage, the lady was beaten and just missed the child. '

Adyanthaya goes on to the Daily Mail: 'They took her away from the plane and took their staff back on board, after which they wanted to fight with other passengers. An excuse to the woman did not come. '

American Airlines has expressed its regret. 'What's on this video is not how we deal with our customers. '