Space Force VS must be there in 2020

The United States has set itself the goal of having a 'Space Force' operational by 2020.

'Ultimately, the Congress must take action to establish this new department, which will organize, train and equip the Space Force,' says Pence. He added that the time has come to realize the idea for this army unit. This will in principle be an independent branch alongside air force, army, navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.

'Only American presence in space is not enough, we must have American domination in space. And that's what we're going to take care of. Peace comes only through power. In the universe, the US will become that power in the coming years, 'Pence said.

The government will ask Congress to make an extra $ 8 billion available for the implementation of a five-year program. Pence emphasized its necessity by pointing out the threat from Russia and China, who have and develop space weapons. Trump reacted via Twitter: 'Space Force all the way!'