Singapore is making wallets for Kims hotel bill

Singapore pays all costs associated with the stay of the North Korean delegation including 'Kim \u0026 # x27; That is the hospitality of the city state, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vivian Balakrishnan, in an interview with the BBC.

He did not say what the North Koreans spend at the hotel St. Regis, but the amount is part of the 17 million euros that the country has set aside for the historic meeting between the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and the American President Trump.

The two are expected to talk for two hours Tuesday morning about the question of whether Stalinistically-ruled North Korea is willing to control its nuclear weapons program. In exchange, the US would then offer 'unique security guarantees' according to Trumps foreign minister Mike Pompeo. There would also be sanction lighting and help to help the destitute land and isolated on the leg.

Kim arrived in Singapore on Sunday in a Chinese Boeing-747. He did not fly the nearly 5000 kilometers with his own ancient government aircraft, an Ilyushin-62.

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