Singapore Airlines comes with longest scheduled flight

Singapore Airlines claims to have the longest scheduled flight in the world.

The airline will fly aircraft on the route with Airbus A350-900ULR aircraft. Those two-engine aircraft have extra fuel capacity and are relatively light. Producer Airbus describes the passenger plane as 'extremely efficient'.

The direct flight is expected to be particularly interesting for business travelers. According to Singapore Airlines, they are hours faster than when they make a stopover. The airline already flew with other aircraft from Singapore to Newark, but that line was not profitable enough at the time.

The longest scheduled flight in the world currently goes from Auckland (New Zealand) to Doha (Qatar). Travelers are then on the road for seventeen hours and forty minutes. For comparison: the shortest scheduled flight connects the islands of Westray and Papa Westray to Scotland. Passengers only need to spend a minute and a half in the air.

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