Shocking: street children warm up in a tumble dryer

The tweet of a Frenchman who recorded that young homeless people are warming up in tumble driers from a launderette has caused a lot of Christmas turmoil in Paris.

On the picture we see legs dangling from the tumble driers that often remain warm for a long time after use. The picture was shot in the week before Christmas in the Rue de la Goutte d'Or in the 18th arrondissement. It would be Moroccan children who roam around the neighborhood. They are often addicted to drugs and come to steal costs.

The opinions about the dryer drums are divided. On the one hand, many Parisians find it pathetic, on the other hand many residents complain. The owner of the laundry is completely done with the unsolicited visit. 'They sniff glue and attack our staff,' she says in Le Parisien. Customers stay away and their turnover has dropped by a quarter.