Shiny athlete waves again with a flag

Pita Taufatofua (34) from the warm Tonga has once again waved his body with the flag during the opening ceremony of the Games.

During the Olympic Games in 2016 he also made an unforgettable impression with his appearance, shiny from the oil, the athlete waved the flag of his country. As taekwondoka he showed little at the time, that's why he now returns as a cross-country skier. Remarkable, because in Tonga the average temperature is around 25 degrees.

Taufatofua practiced on asphalt roads. 'I also occasionally trained on the beach. Then I tied pieces of wood under my feet and ran through the sand to improve my balance. 'He started a collection campaign and moved to Germany for a short time to train. De Tongaan managed to place himself during the last qualifying match.

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