Secrets police on the street by negligence

Sensitive police information has come to lie on the street because the police have expired old domain.

An 'ethical hacker' did this and explained the information he gave to BNR. He got so include arrest warrants and the security of the Christmas market in Dordrecht hands.

The problem started two years ago because all police websites disappeared and went up in police. e. All the addresses of agents changed too, but including by autocomplete frequently used addresses this goes wrong in many people. keep the old domain names and e-mails forwarded to the correct address or a service switch that alerts you that one of your old domain will be registered by someone else are possible solutions that could prevent information leakage.

Hacker Slotboom had the police two years ago warned of this. When he found out six months later that nothing was done to his warning, he decided to register several domain names. He did so 'to show that there are indeed sensitive information via the mail arrives at. '' I hope my point is clear now. '

CDA MP Madeleine van Toorenburg calls it 'worrisome' that the information has come out. 'This had to be prevented by the departments that deal with the technical support of the police, and by the leadership of the police themselves. '