Schools win free programming classes

Pupils from primary schools with three Dutch Samsung a year programmeerles gift.

Last month, many children were programming code during Week knowledge. Samsung organized during the event along with the Delft startup Robomind the Code King Championship. Pupils were given 1.5 hours coding in class after which they could bring online their newly learned skills into practice. The Petrusschool from Hengevelde accomplished most levels, followed by the Driemaster from Nijmegen and CBS 't wicket from Koudekerke. All students from Group 3 of the three winning schools receive a year-long guidance of Robomind. " We did not organize one-off code during Week ", says Michiel Dijkman, Manager Smart Hub Education program. Within this program, Samsung is working with various partners to encourage educational innovation. Unlike in many other countries, programming in Netherlands not a mandatory part of elementary and secondary education. At the same time in the business a huge shortage of people with knowledge of programming. " The world around us is changing rapidly and technology is playing an increasing role ", says Dijkman,. " Learning encode in primary schools is an important first step. " Above Camp Ernst, founder of Robomind, emphasized that promotes creativity encode, you learn to work together and let you communicate in a universal language. " What job you get later, those skills are always important. "