School Parkland converted into a fort after massacre

Pupils at the American school where seventeen people were shot in February are faced with strict security measures on Wednesday at the start of the school year.

From now on, more security officers are walking around the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, in Florida, and the approximately 3200 students have to wear identity badges. According to CNN, 52 new cameras have been hung and fences have been installed. There is also a new system for locking doors during emergency situations.

The board of the school also considered setting up metal detectors, but that idea eventually did not work out. A plan to make transparent backpacks mandatory is also deleted. It would be too difficult to check all pupils at the start of the lesson day.

Not all students have been reassured by the new measures. 'If someone wants to come in, it will succeed', a sixteen-year-old boy predicted. ' I do not feel safe at all. ''