Santos donates Nobel Prize money victims

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos wants the amount of money that belongs to the Nobel Prize awarded to him for donating the Peace to the victims of the civil war in his country.

Santos was awarded the prize Friday for his efforts to make peace with the FARC. The prize will receive an amount of 8 million Swedish kronor, about 830. 000.

Colombian President visited Sunday Bojoyá in the northwest of the country. In the village the FARC committed one of the biggest massacres during the civil war. During battles with right-wing paramilitaries in 2002, the rebels detonated a bomb in the church of Bojoyá where villagers had sought refuge., Killing 79 civilians killed and over a hundred injured.

Santos was awarded the prize Friday for his efforts to make peace with the FARC. The prize will receive an amount of 8 million Swedish kronor, about 830. 000.

Colombian President visited Sunday Bojoyá in the northwest of the country. In the village the FARC committed one of the biggest massacres during the civil war. During battles with right-wing paramilitaries in 2002, the rebels detonated a bomb in the church of Bojoyá where villagers had sought refuge., Killing 79 civilians killed and over a hundred injured.