Samsung shows smart clothing

Samsung has unveiled a number of 'smart' garments during CES.

         Mashable knows the ins and outs. The Smart Suit is basically a stylish gray suit with an NFC chip in a sort node and a corresponding app. The wearer can put more alerts on silently through his smartphone on the button to move around. The button can also be used to exchange contact information with someone else's cell phone. A business card is no longer needed.
The Body Compass 2. 0 is smart sportswear resembles normal sports clothes, but with metal buttons on it where processors and batteries behind. Under the fabric sensors are things like heart rate, posture and measure the fat of the wearer. An app analyzes your workout and provides useful feedback. One drawback is that the Body Compass 2. 0 can not machine.
The Welt Wellness Belt is a belt that adjusts itself, for example if the wearer has eaten too much. The concept of the Welt similar to the Belty that was shown last year at CES. And then there is the Sol Bag, a case with solar panel that acts as a mobile charger for a smartphone or tablet. When these gadgets are sold and how much they will cost, is still unknown.