Saillant corruption in NY

A retired police officer and a former prosecutor in New York were charged with giving arms licenses in exchange for money, whores, drinks and a trip to Hawaii.

The police officer included a $ 8000 Paul Picot watch, sports memorabilia and sports event tickets, in exchange for arms licenses while working at the Licensing Department. He also received a fully paid honeymoon to Hawaii. He has now known.

The suspects sometimes summoned up to $ 10,000 to speed up the issuance of a license, the prosecutor said. A former police officer even retired to retire after collecting all incoming money. Against a colleague, he had said that 'he and his wife should buy a shovel to swipe all the money they received.'

Certainly 100 gun permits were issued by the New York police to people they should never have, Kim said. For example, a man who had been charged four times with domestic violence and threatened to kill someone was granted a license. Or someone else who had swung with a gun during a robbery got it back after agents were bribed. At least 440 gun permits have been designated as suspected.