Russian pilot arrested

Certainly one of the two pilots of the downed Russian Sukhoi Su- 24 bomber was captured by Turkmen fighters in Syria.

This was reported by news channel CNN Turk. The Turkmen are an ethnic group related to the Turks that forms in the countries of the region minorities. The Turkmen ' brigades ' in the Syrian civil war are not jihadists. Two Turkish F- 16s fired Tuesday from Russian air upper border of Turkey with Syria. Ankara reported that the aircraft had violated Turkish airspace. Moscow denies that. Twitter is a film which would be around to see that the rebels capture the pilot. The authenticity of which has not been confirmed. # عاجل لحظة سقوط الطيار الروسي في جبل التركمان # سوريا # روسيا pic. twitter. com / DqSy4hcN83- ترك برس (TurkPressMedia) November 24, 2015