Russia: Douma-killing to the Netherlands

Russia plans to bring Syrians to the Netherlands that were seen on images of the alleged poison gas attack in the Syrian Douma.

According to Sjoelgin, the Russian authorities want to bring a total of seventeen people from Douma to The Hague. These include seven people who are 'easily identifiable as dying people' on video images made by local aid workers. On those images victims of the alleged attack could be seen. According to Russia, the images have been put in scene.

Sjoelgin said that the seven Syrians can designate themselves in the video. This must be done during a 'special briefing' at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which is based in The Hague. Britain, the US and France held the Syrian government responsible for the alleged attack on Douma. They then carried out a large-scale rocket attack on targets in the country.

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