Russia chooses president: 109,000,000 people go to the polls

Russian voters go to the polls on Sunday to choose a president.

Some 109 million inhabitants of the largest country on earth, divided over eleven time zones, may cast a vote for one of the eight candidates, including Putin. He received 63.6 percent of the votes in 2012. Although his rivals are seen as no chance, a low turnout might cast a shadow over his expected victory.

Putin can stay on until a victory up to 2024. He reigned from 2000 to 2008, then was prime minister for four years, and in 2012 became president again. Russia under his leadership turned out to be an assertive player on the world stage. It became involved in the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, where it annexed the Crimea.

The Russian leader does not have to fear Sunday for too serious challengers. For example, the pronounced Aleksej Navalni could not stand for election because of a conviction. The police met on Saturday in several cities against supporters of the opposition leader. Agents searched the offices of his movement.