Runner up the pot for poo photo president

Local policemen in Turkmenistan search toilets at people's homes to search for civilians who used newspapers with the image of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to wipe their buttocks.

The BBC reports this on the authority of sources that would normally have been well-established in Turkmenistan. The agents come to people's homes, search for public toilets and sniff around garbage dumps.

'There is a special concierge on every rubbish dump, with the job of inspecting trash, and looking for dirty newspaper photos. The home of the newspaper subscriber must then be looked up and passed on to the police, 'local media report.

According to US-funded media, children were locked up earlier because they had stained newspapers with the portrait of Berdimuhamedov. Others waited the same fate because they had drawn a mustache from the leader.

According to regional media, however, people receive 'only' a warning. There is hardly any understanding for the new measures: many Turkmen do not run toilet paper, and newspapers without the image of Berdimuhamedov can hardly be found, writes the BBC.

'Why should we buy toilet paper if we have huge stacks of newspapers, where people in Turkmenistan are obliged to subscribe?', Someone describes on the internet.

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