Return policy priority during migratietop

Refugees who are not entitled to asylum should return easier and faster to return to their country of origin.

The Summit should not only treasure-trove of good intentions, but also produce a concrete joint action plan. In the past it was much fine words alone.

In the early spring, Europe was shocked by harrowing images of refugees crammed into rickety boats which undertook the dangerous crossing from North Africa to Europe. Thousands had to kill workers. Meanwhile, the land route via Turkey and the Balkans, the main route become refugees.

Europe presents a number of measures, but it went well is difficult. EU countries have been promised money but are not yet hardly come across the bridge with euros. Also promising to redistribute refugees across Europe to those countries that are overwhelmed by migrants, such as Italy and Greece, to relieve, is barely off the ground.

Europe knows that it alone can not solve the refugee problem. Therefore, arrangements are made with countries including Turkey. That country can count on money and visa liberalization as the appropriate boundaries for better monitoring and refugees in Turkey gives more perspective. Minister Lilianne Ploumen mentioned in an interview with Trouw this a good example. She wants more such migration deals.

The migratietop in Valletta is therefore rather a starting point of a long-term solution than a terminal. In addition to the return policy is also spoken about addressing the underlying causes of migration (often motivated by poverty) and on the fight against smugglers.

At the top is given a slap on the Africa fund. This pot of 1.8 billion euros of European money is intended to assist African countries in addressing the causes of migration. EU countries have pledged to replenish the fund, but few have actually done it already. The Netherlands has already pledged 15 million euros.