Retrieved Russian pilot recovered after thirty years... alive

A Russian pilot who was shot down above Afghanistan in 1987 and given up since then appears to be alive and wants to go back to Mother Russia.

The AFP announces the news agency. The news was announced by Valery Vostrotnin, the head of the Russian paratrooper union. Vostrotin did not want to release the pilot's name because of privacy.

The man's plane was shot from the air in 1987. Since then, every sign of life has failed. According to the newspaper Kommersant, it must be Sergei Pantelyuk from the southern Russian region of Rostov. The newspaper found out that in 1987 only one Soviet pilot had been shot...

Vyacheslav Kalinin, head of the veteran organization 'Battle Brotherhood', suggests that the pilot wants to return home and be in Pakistan. Afghanistan had several prison camps there at the time.

The mother and the sister of the reinvented pilot were still alive and the Russian tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda spurred the man's now 31-year-old daughter. She was born a few months before her father's missing.

The Russian occupation of Afghanistan lasted all together for about ten years. About 125 Russian aircraft were shot down during this period. Since the Russians retired, about thirty missing soldiers have been recovered. Most have returned home, but not all recovered Soviet soldiers want to go home. Bakhretdin Khakimov, for example, chose to stay in Afghanistan. He was seriously injured, well looked after by local people and converted to Islam.

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