Reptile Park warns deficit antidote

In Australia, a shortage of poison of the deadly tunnelwebspin.

The Australian Reptile Park is the sole supplier of the poison antidote to producers since 1981 and depends on the audience that provide spin to milk poison to make an antidote.

A shortage threatens to antidote because too few spiders were delivered last year. ' In addition, a recent heatwave increase the biting activity of the spiders' said park manager Tim Faulkner Tuesday.

' We count on community support to keep afloat this program, '' said Faulkner ' We ourselves tried to catch enough spin, but it just does not work. ''

Tunnelwebspinnen (Atrax robustus) live in southeastern Australia. The lethal variant is the Sydney tunnel spin.

' The large canines and sour poison make the bite very painful, 'said Faulkner, noting that a large bite can result in death within one hour if the wound is not treated.