Red Cross: Ebola outbreak in critical phase

The outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo has reached a 'critical stage' according to the Red Cross.

The Red Cross says lessons are learned that were learned at the 2014 outbreak in West Africa. Then the risks would have been underestimated and more than 11,000 people died. 'That's what we want to prevent at any cost,' says Wilma ter Heege emergency coordinator in a statement.

Patients with the contagious and deadly virus were then cared for at home. 'Insufficient precautionary measures were also taken when the spread of the virus seemed to have stopped,' according to the aid organization. 'A short time later, new infections appeared and the problems really started. '

The Red Cross says that it needs to provide relief to prevent a similar drama. 'Care providers give information, look for new infections, provide psychosocial support, disinfect buildings and help with safe funerals. '

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