Quarrel brother and sister about dog gets tail

A brother and his sister from Mechelen who quarrel around the clock, including about their lovely dog, are not allowed to see each other for a month.

M. V. (54) and his younger sister Belinda lived together for a long time. But the two got more and more word changes. The small protagonist in the story is the dog Lovely. Maurice is the owner of this quadruped, he claims in court. But his sister Belinda says that it is also her favorite animal and has paid for it.

'Maurice regularly threatens to throw Lovely off the stairs,' says Belinda's lawyer. 'Then the sister comes to the house of Maurice and there are many blame. At the beginning of this year, the police had to intervene for the umpteenth time. '

In January, both were well above their tea water and Maurice beat her a black eye. The emergency services were called in to reconcile the two ruffs, but a different solution must be sought for this brother-sister-riot. The judge is already going to have a social investigation carried out in order to get a statement about the wrangling between the two.

The judge suggested that a 'time-out' be inserted to see if the peace can return. 'I'm going to put both of you to the test and impose a one-month ban on contact. It must stop to threaten to throw 'Lovely' into the channel. Madam, I want you to stop responding to that. Also text messages can not be done anymore and Lovely goes from this afternoon to Belinda. I suggest that the people of Oikonde get the dog. Sir, if you do not stick to this ban on contact then the prison will wait. I want to see you here again on May 23, 'said the judge.

'That is not human', Maurice replied.

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