Putin is best to talk with Malaysia on MH17

President Putin of Russia is willing to speak with Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia on the plane disaster MH17, which was shot down on July 17, 2014 in eastern Ukraine.

The Kremlin showed Tuesday that the president certainly prepared to discuss the disaster, the Malaysian delegation was allowed to visit Russia need it. Razak and his entourage visit Sochi on the Black Sea, which place this week a meeting of ASEAN. This is an organization of ten Southeast Asian countries, which cooperate in cultural, political and economic fields. Russia is not a member, or host.

The disaster with flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur were 298 passengers and fifteen crew members were killed, including 193 Dutch. The finger often points to Russia, however, invariably denies anything to do with the shooting down of the plane to have had.
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