Pupil is no longer allowed in cardboard box

The 8-year-old Jules is no longer allowed to take lessons from the education inspectorate from a cardboard box.

The boy from Antwerp has ADHD. But custom guidance could not be found for him. That is why, very inventive, it was thought that he may occasionally retire to the classroom in a cardboard box if it all becomes too much for him, writes Het Nieuwsblad.

The school had promised the parents to provide professional guidance next school year.

But in the meantime the tensions in the K'do school were so high that he became unmanageable. He no longer listened to the teachers and just crossed the street without looking up.

On Wednesday, the parents were told that Jules was suspended for 15 days. But even after that time he may not return.

The school came up with good news on Thursday: a new educational institution was found for Jules. The little boy will receive tailor-made lessons there.

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