Punishment for German politician to Nazi tattoo

German far-right politician from the NPD Tuesday to six months suspended prison sentenced for showing a Nazi tattoo.

         The tattoo were the outlines of a concentration camp and the slogan 'Jedem das Seine '. That spell is also on a gate of the former concentration camp Buchenwald. The prosecution had demanded ten months' imprisonment, the lawyer pleaded for acquittal. The court ruled that the man was guilty of sedition. The local politician was previously convicted of assault. He sits in front of the National Democratic Party (NPD) in the governance of the Barnim region.
         The tattoo were the outlines of a concentration camp and the slogan 'Jedem das Seine '. That spell is also on a gate of the former concentration camp Buchenwald. The prosecution had demanded ten months' imprisonment, the lawyer pleaded for acquittal. The court ruled that the man was guilty of sedition. The local politician was previously convicted of assault. He sits in front of the National Democratic Party (NPD) in the governance of the Barnim region.