Puigdemont wants to remain in Berlin for the time being

The former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont is settled in Berlin and wants to remain in the German capital for the time being, pending a decision on his possible expulsion to Spain.

On Friday, Puigdemont was released from prison in the German Neumünster. There he was after he was arrested when he had driven in from Denmark Germany. That happened because Spain issued an international arrest warrant against him. The German judge must determine whether Berlin must hand him over to Spain.

The former Catalan leader hopes to return to Belgium when the procedures in Germany are over. Puigdemont fled to Belgium with a few ministers when the Madrid government took over the authority in Catalonia. That happened after Puigdemont and his government declared independence.

Puigdemont called on the Spanish government to engage in a dialogue and suggested that international mediation should take place for the conflict over Catalonia.

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