Protest in cities against TTIP

In several major cities Saturday people come together to protest against trade agreements such as TTIP.

Locally, the initiative is in the hands of, inter alia, trade unions, political parties and Greenpeace. The aim is to take action across the country. Milieudefensie believes that the environment, health and rights are subordinated to trade and investment and will make people aware of it.

Amsterdam speak alongside local politicians Geert Ritsema of Milieudefensie and Ewald Engelen, professor of financial geography. MPs Jasper van Dijk (SP) and Marianne Thieme, (PvdD) take part in a symbolic funeral of TTIP.
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The launch of the campaign was given around 9. 00. When were the pictures on Amsterdam's Rembrandt which the shooters of the painting The Night Watch proposals placards hung around.

TTIP is proposed free trade agreement between the United States and the European Union. Negotiations about running since 2013.