Prosecutor sees no good in pursuit Le Pen

The prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor ( OM) in France does not think that Marine Le Pen should be prosecuted for a controversial statement that she did five years ago.

The 47-year-old politician made her controversial statement during a meeting in Lyon, when her party was criticized because of the fierce attitude towards immigration and radical Islam. " Sorry, but if we need to have about the Second World War, when we are forced to talk about occupation, then we need to talk about that street preachers ", Le Pen said.

" They are clearly guilty of occupation ", continued Le Pen. " They love the neighborhoods in their power and set of religious laws. There are no tanks, no soldiers, but it is a form of occupation. That suppresses the people here. " Many people took offense at these remarks, and she was indicted for incitement to discrimination against religious beliefs.

Le Pen had to justify himself Tuesday in court, after the case had been arrested several times.

In December slid judges for the case aside, but anti-racism groups filed a new complaint, after which the case was reopened yet. The prosecutor, however, that Le Pen must be acquitted. It is not known when the verdict follows. The judges may Le Pen basically still condemn.