Proof murder Litvinenko is being withheld

The Russian secret service has previously commissioned the murder of Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko.

These are the main conclusions of a comprehensive investigation into the death of Litvinenko. That was the beginning of November 2006 poisoned in a London hotel. He drank as tea mixed with radioactive material. A horrible and slow death process ensued. Litvinenko died a month later. On his deathbed he made it clear that he thought that Putin was behind the murder.

The British government has spent years not much effort to determine the exact course of events. Were indeed quite quickly two other Russian spies identified as perpetrators. But Russia refused extradition and that was it.

That situation changed when the Russians invaded Ukraine. When the British gave to the request for an investigation, something that Marina Litvinenko, the widow of the murdered spy, had tirelessly advocated.

The research itself took more than a year and resulted settled for headlines. For example, there was no question of a murder attempt, but was a previous failed. In both cases, the perpetrators left a trail of radioactive material behind in the London city center. That was especially remarkable because the assassination took place at London's Millennium Hotel. Located on Grosvenor Square in Mayfair. That's the same square where also the US embassy is located. On the fourth floor of the embassy is housed, according to reports, the CIA. The murder took place, as it were under the eyes of American security service.

A lawyer for the British police gave early last year that there were clear signs in the direction of Putin. Yet the harsh conclusion now as a surprise. The question is what the British Government will do. The tone towards the Russians is moderated somewhat in recent months. The Russian president is an important link in the situation in the Middle East, where he (sometimes) helps in the fight against the IS-terrorists, but especially a hand above the head like the Syrian President Assad, a political friend him.