Prince Laurent compares himself with Jews during WWII

The Belgian prince Laurent draws in a conversation about accusations of a Belgian member of parliament to his address parallels with his own situation and that of the Holocaust and the school shootings in the US.

Laurent is done with N-VA MP Peter Buysrogge and demands apologies for accusing him of a 'false activity report'. If there are no excuses, the prince wants to sue the politician for slander, he tells Het Nieuwsblad. The controversial visit to the Chinese embassy would be missing in the report. The activity report is a prerequisite for the prince to receive his allowance.

Laurent says it is 'sick of hating' to be attacked 'purely because I am the son or brother of a king. If something like that happens to me, I often think of the Jews who were shot, just because they were Jews. '

School shootings in the US are also subject to comparison. 'There are many students who commit murder because they are bullied on social media. But that toddler (Laurent refers to Peter Buysrogge) does not realize that.

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