Popular London market hit by fire

The popular market, Camden Lock Market, in the north of central London was hit by a big fire on Monday morning.

The fire originated around 01:00 (Dutch time) and grabbed around. At four o'clock the fire department had the fire under control. As far as is known, no one was injured.

The fire raged in a building in Camden Lock Market, a popular spot among tourists. Several floors of the building were located in lattices. The cause is being investigated.

The market is part of a number of markets in the Camden Town area. Camden Market consists of over a thousand shops, ranging from piercing shops to cycling shops and jewelry stores. The neighborhood also houses popular pubs and restaurants.

In 2008, in the same area was also a big fire. Nobody got injured then, but the material damage was great.

The fire originated around 01:00 (Dutch time) and grabbed around. At four o'clock the fire department had the fire under control. As far as is known, no one was injured.

The fire raged in a building in Camden Lock Market, a popular spot among tourists. Several floors of the building were located in lattices. The cause is being investigated.

The market is part of a number of markets in the Camden Town area. Camden Market consists of over a thousand shops, ranging from piercing shops to cycling shops and jewelry stores. The neighborhood also houses popular pubs and restaurants.

In 2008, in the same area was also a big fire. Nobody got injured then, but the material damage was great.