Polemic around Macron swimming pool

Emmanuel Macron wants to build a swimming pool at the presidential country house in Bregançon.

His predecessor François Hollande spent only one summer there, but Emmanuel Macron is planning more often to celebrate his holiday in the beautiful cottage in the Var. He would like a swimming pool for his stepchildren, the offspring of his 25-year-old woman Brigitte.

Digging a hole is impossible on the former fortress, so it becomes an overground pool that would cost between 10,000 and 15,000 euros. The amount is paid from the annual budget for the villa, which amounts to 150,000 euros.

Macron wants the pool for privacy reasons: his family is visible to everyone when he goes to the beach. Installing a private pool saves a lot of costs, because no security team needs to tear out if the president or one of his family members wants to take a dive.

The opposition is not pleased with the plan. The chairman of the Parti Socialiste smashed Macron on Twitter with all kinds of recent cuts, including a discount on the rent subsidy.

For his critics, it is a sign that Macron is fast becoming a bling-bling president, just like Nicolas Sarkozy. He recently ordered 50,000 euros for tableware for the Élysée, although the satirical weekly La Canard Enchainée claims that it is 500,000 euros. He is also blamed that he flew in the presidential Falcon earlier this month to cover a short distance, which is an expensive joke.

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