Poison gas attack by Syrian helicopters

The online research platform Bellingcat considers it plausible that if poison gas is used in East Ghouta, the Syrian army has carried out that attack.

Bellingcat has brought out this message on Wednesday.

Plane spotters have seen helicopters of the type Mi-8 Hip take off about half an hour before the attack from the base Dmeir and head towards Oost-Ghouta. The same aircraft were also detected above the city of Douma shortly before the attack. Footage shows a gas cylinder on the roof of a house in which numerous dead were later found. Similar gas bottles have also been dropped in the past by Mi-8 Hip helicopters.

For his conclusions, Bellingcat compared several video recordings and photos about this event and explained the statements of eyewitnesses, activists and aid organizations side by side. The platform of the Brit Eliot Higgins has made this name internationally for the analysis of freely available internet information.

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