Playing learning in Kidsaroo World

Kidsaroo World allows children from 2 years to self-navigate the app, where they meet Kathy and the little Jimmy Kangaroo.

Kidsaroo World selects its content thoroughly and is always looking for an educational angel, both in the games and in the videos is often an educational message for the child. 'We think it's important to stimulate child development in a positive way,' said business manager Melanie van Hagen.

The app is a safe place, ad free and no in-app purchases are requested to the user. 'Market research showed that parents were looking for a safe environment in which their children had access to fun content. For example, Youtube is not safe for many parents, as children are regularly confronted with content that is unsuitable for their age. In addition, many parents A big hate of all (inappropriate) advertisements fired on children in various apps. We saw the brand Kidsaroo World opportunity to play in. '

Within the Kidsaroo World platform, each parent has access to a special dashboard. As a parent / educator, you decide what content your child will see on the platform, for example, you give a child access to games and notions, but not videos. In addition, as a parent, you can see what content your kid has recently watched.