Plasterk double chance Big Brother Award

Minister Ronald Plasterk ( Interior) makes twice chances of a Big Brother Award, the prize for the biggest privacy violator.

They Plasterk nominated for the Big Brother Expert Price, for his proposal for an extension of tapbevoegdheden for secret services, the unjustified secrecy of tapping statistics and the illegal tapping of lawyers.,null, This poses a real threat to the privacy of every Dutch citizen and safety in general ", says the Chief Information Security Officer.

The other two nominees are the chief of the National Police and the Van der Valk hotel in Hengelo. The National Police uses big data for predictive policing : predicting where and when someone will go in the wrong even before the crime was committed.,null, Deviant behavior is then the criterion and not criminal behavior. Who does not run into the joint, is in the crosshairs of the police ", said Bits of Freedom.

The Van der Valk hotel in Hengelo has been nominated as the guest lists are shared systematically with the police.,null, It therefore sees its customers as potential whore runners and criminals, '' says journalist Bart de Koning on the Big Brother Awards site.

Both the Public and Expert Prize will be presented in Amsterdam on 28 October.