Pizza 111 formaggi

The more the better the maker of this pizza must have thought. And that was immediately dealt with thoroughly. Following the classic quattro formaggio, the chef of the Berlin restaurant Vadoli Pizzeria devised a variant with no less than 111 different types of cheese.

With his creation he has managed to get a place in the Guinness World Record Book. With the 111 different types of cheese, the pizza was given the title 'Greatest Variety of Cheese on a Pizza'.

From a slice of mozzarella, a tuft of chèvre a block of Emmentaler to a piece of Roquefort. You would expect such a cheesy pizza to have a good diameter to accommodate all 111 types. Nevertheless, the chef of Vadoli managed to place all the pieces on a normal sized pizza. Complete with all cheesy toppings he weighs a hefty 288, 6 grams.

Whether the pizza gets the menu from Vadoli is not yet clear. A special indication in the category klef.