Photographers angry about contempt Prince Harry

British photographers are furious about the press regulation around the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

'With the chance that the bride and groom will look the other way at the moment they pass by. Road money ', according to the Dutch photographer Robin Utrecht, who for that reason will skip the wedding on 19 May.

Skipping is not an option for British photographers. But working is virtually impossible and experienced professionals such as Tim Rooke and Arthur Edwards see it in the hands of Prince Harry, who, like his brother William, has had a difficult relationship with the press for a lifetime. 'On the first drawings for the press spots there was still room', says Rooke.

At the wedding only four photographers from the so-called Pers Association were invited to work close to the entrance to St. George's Chapel. All others could compete for a paid place at a considerable distance, in fact without a good view of the bride and groom. 'Shameful in the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Brunei, Spain and Greece, and wherever I have photographed royal marriages, that can do without paying, but that I am treated with contempt in my own country', tweeted veteran Tim Rooke.

However, asking for money for the best places is not entirely new. This also happened earlier in the wedding of Prince William, where photographers who wanted to stand in front of Buckingham Palace to record 'the kiss' had to pay over 1100 euros. But unlike now at Harry, it did guarantee that good recordings could be made. 'Now we have to pay for the second-rate places', according to an anonymous British royalty writer against the Canadian weekly Maclean's.

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