Passenger data stored six months

Air passenger data in the future six months available and interchangeable for investigation services in Europe.

There's five years of negotiations on the so-called Passenger Name Register (PNR). Countries such as France and Belgium had argued for a longer retention period, initially even five years, but they finally agreed to six months. The data of people who fly are registered in the EU and exchanged if a Member State requests it.Incidentally wait another battle with the European Parliament on the issue. Wednesday seemed to talk of an agreement, but said Thursday the leaders of three major political groups in the European Parliament that they will only agree if the exchange of data is required. We want Member States would not. They provide data on a voluntary basis.The PNR system is very short term started, said EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos.,null, Everyone understands that there is no time to lose. The system provides protection to citizens while respecting their rights. It is an efficient way to control better boundaries. '' The data will be made anonymous after six months, and will stay on for 4.5 years in the database.Lately, especially after the attacks in Paris, hammered more and more countries to the need for the system so that the travel movements of terrorist suspects can be monitored better.