Party member arrested with 3 kilos of heroin after launch drug plan

The member of a Belgian political party has been discredited after being caught with three kilograms of heroin.

Rediart C., who plays for the CD \u0026 V party, was stopped by the police on his way to Switzerland. In a car, police found three kilos of heroin, reports Het Nieuwsblad. The drugs were hidden in a specially designed compartment.

At the height of the French town of Vitry, the member and his co-defendant were stopped by the police. Three kilograms of heroin were hidden in the vehicle with a Belgian license plate. The car was in the name of the Kosovar co-defendant of the party member.

A week ago the Antwerp mayor warned of connections between members of the Antwerp city council and the drug mafia. The arrested Rediart C. is in the 46th place of the CD \u0026 V-list which also comes out in the Antwerp city council.

'If this is correct, it goes without saying that the man can not be on the list', says CD \u0026 amp; V-leader Peeters. He does not know Cankja in his own words. 'We have 55 candidates and there are also candidates in the districts. That is a lot of people. We also do not have the possibility to send the State Security to everyone. '

Peeters points out that it is the districts that are responsible for screening candidates. They also nominate candidates for the Antwerp list. 'We try to estimate people correctly, but these people must also be sincere themselves. I deeply regret this. But unfortunately this can happen. '