Parents refuse medical help for dying babies by faith

Sarah and Travis Mitchel from the US state of Oregon have been sentenced to six years in prison for refusing medical help for their premature daughter.

Sarah gave birth in March 2017 to two daughters, Ginnifer and Evelyn. The twins came to the world seven weeks early. Besides her husband Travis, about 60 followers of the Christ Church were present at the birth. Followers of this movement do not believe in medical care, but in healing by faith.

After the birth both girls suffered from respiratory problems. Especially Ginnifer was very heavy. The members of the church were laying on hands and smearing the girl with medicinal oil, but the only thing Ginniger needed was good medical care.

When the girl became paler and less air, members of the church only continued to pray. None of those present called the emergency number. The newborn girl died at home, about four hours after her birth.

Travis held his daughter as she breathed her last breath. 'I knew she was dead when she stopped crying,' he said during the trial.

Coroner Eric Tonsfeldt was informed about the girl's early death. Upon arrival at the house, he called in the police when it turned out that none of the attendees planned to take the other girl to the hospital.

The couple has been found guilty of mistreatment and murder through negligence.

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