Overpuren Rutte his mess eats tent sick

Disgusting food remains from the bulging trash cans and an allegedly illegal deal with the embassy of Albania.

For years there have been problems with restaurant Fratelli at the Tournooiveld. The name changed a year and a half ago by the arrival of a new owner, but the misery remained. 'They do what they feel like', resident Cap Vermeulen begins. 'We have already insisted several times that they keep the mess inside, but to no avail. '

The annoyances are so great that he, together with dozens of other residents, has taken a lawyer to put pressure on the municipality to intervene. 'But I have not seen any change in recent weeks', adds resident Kees van Harmelen.

Noteworthy is the relationship between the restaurateur and the embassy of Albania. According to the residents, the restaurant staff put the car on the parking places reserved for the diplomats of Albania with a note on the dashboard with the text: 'visitor of the embassy'.

The representatives of the embassy then put their car with a CD number plate at a loading and unloading station in the knowledge that they are not being fined because of their inviolability. 'A neighbor who recently said something about it was kicked by a staff member of the restaurant. Another person got a big mouth', one local resident knows. A neighbor hardly dares to leave her house because of the threats.

Restaurant Fratelli acknowledges that in the past there has been an oral meeting with the embassy of Albania about the use of the parking spaces by the previous owner of the company. 'But we do not use this', Peter de Jong implores of the restaurant. 'Moreover; If we notice that a member of staff nevertheless places the car in a parking place at the embassy, ​​we will warn the police. '

De Jong also admits that there have been problems with the waste in the past, but that work is currently being done on a solution to store the dirt indoors. 'We have already had inspections from the municipality. Within a month we hope to have the case even better insulated, 'says De Jong.

According to the municipality, the restaurant owner does indeed appear. If an enforcer finds a car other than a CD-license plate on a diplomatic car park, this is passed on to the police. They in turn provide a report.