Ominous image Hurricane Matthew

Internet diving special pictures on Hurricane Hurricane Matthew plaguing the Caribbean at this time.

Hurricane Matthew is at CNN labeled as 'monster storm', and with that title also includes a specific appearance. The hurricane is seen via satellite pictures as a kind of skull.

The picture shows the hurricane through the lens of an infrared camera. Some twitterers look teeth cartoon character Ghost Rider or the Grinch in the image.

NASA specialist Paul Meyer announced that the clouds are atmospheric convective clouds. Ie clouds that appear when rising heated air bubbles.

Hurricane Matthew is at CNN labeled as 'monster storm', and with that title also includes a specific appearance. The hurricane is seen via satellite pictures as a kind of skull.

The picture shows the hurricane through the lens of an infrared camera. Some twitterers look teeth cartoon character Ghost Rider or the Grinch in the image.

NASA specialist Paul Meyer announced that the clouds are atmospheric convective clouds. Ie clouds that appear when rising heated air bubbles.