Older people, talk more about sex

While young people remain virgins for longer, sex for older people is an important part of their lives, new scientific research suggests.

The American study shows that 40 percent of the elderly between 65 and 80 are still sexually active. 'We know that sex is very important for the health and well-being of the elderly, but it does not get much attention,' says Erica Solway of the University of Michigan, who was involved in the research.

In one way or another, we do not talk about releasing older people, says Solway, because they do not mention it themselves, or because doctors leave the subject behind. 'Those conversations just do not happen. Presumably because doctors wait until the elderly themselves bring it up. '

While two-thirds of those questioned would like to talk to a doctor, only 17 percent actually did so.

Incidentally, many more men than women said they still have sex: just over half compared to less than a third. They also think differently about their importance: 84 percent of men find it important in a relationship, compared to 69 percent of women.

Another important difference was age: while half of the elderly to 70 years still have sex, people between the ages of 76 and 80 have less and less sex; yet one in four is still active.

The study is based on an online questionnaire completed by 1.000 participants. That number would be representative of the US, writes The Guardian. The results have been published in a journal of the university and by AARP, a 'stakeholder for aging'.

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