Obama: keep listening to each other

President Barack Obama has called on his countrymen Wednesday to remain above politics involved in his farewell speech in Chicago.

Obama turned in his argument against the divisions in American society. ' We all have to start from the premise that our fellow citizens just keep as much of this country as we '', he told the audience.

According to the President to many Americans threaten to withdraw into their own bubble, where they are only surrounded by kindred spirits. He called on people to be open to the possibility that opponents sometimes be right.

' How can we justify ethical failings in our own party, whilst we insist the other party is doing the same? 'He wondered aloud. ' It selectively dealing with the facts is not only unfair, but counterproductive. ''

Thousands of Americans were last weekend in the queue to get tickets for the speech. Also, some members of the president was present. It was their last chance to see Obama yet again as president.

Obama thanked expanded his people and the spectators. He called it the honor of his life that he might serve his compatriots last eight years. There were warm words for his wife Michelle, whom he called his best friend. Obama ended the speech with his now famous words 'Yes we can.'