Obama: IS threatens us do not exist

Islamic State Warriors (IS) threaten the existence of the United States does not.

         Said that US President Barack Obama during his last State of the Union. This is an annual address to Congress, similar to the Dutch throne speech. Therein Obama discusses the state of affairs in the United States and the plans he has.
In approximately one-hour speech he emphatically on security in the United States and the war on terror. He said the US,, the strongest country in the world. Point. And also that it successfully leads the international coalition against terrorists of IS in Iraq and Syria.,, 10. With nearly 000 air raids we take their leadership, oils, training venues, and weapons away. But, Obama drew on, if Congress really wants to win this year's war, then it must approve the military action against IS.,, Voice over , there was his message.
Ultimately justice will prevail. IS,, will teach the same lessons as terrorists for them. If you doubt the commitment of the United States or mine to achieve justice, ask connec after by Osama bin Laden.
He continued to work hard to close the controversial prison camp at Guantánamo Bay. Something that until now has been held back by the White House.,, It is expensive, unnecessary and only serves as a recruitment brochure for our enemies , said Obama. At the naval base are still more than a hundred prisoners. They sit there without trial or were never indicted.
The president was positive about the economy (the strongest job growth sind the nineties) and healthcare. He made the fight against cancer to spearhead. He pointed Vice President Joe Biden to help cancer,, once and for all the world.