O. J. Simpson wants to be released early

America takes care of what is already called the 'hearing of the century.

At 19.00 Dutch time starts the hearing. Reporter Herman Stam follows the case and tweaks about it. His tweets can be followed at the bottom of this article.

The pressure on the parole board not to release the former American Football star after eight years imprisonment in Lovelock Correctional Facility increases.

According to his friend Tom Scotty, who never let Simpson fall, the football legend who has arrived properly and has fallen asleep behaves like a model prisoner. He was even a softball coach.

The Daily Mail reported Thursday night that his early release was compromised because Simpson would have masturbated when a female cipier walked past his cell. Simpson would get a penalty.

Simpson was not sentenced to the detention of a large part of America for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman. The double murder became world news partly due to the wild pursuit and the spoken lawsuit that was broadcast live. In 2008, 'The Juice' received a jail sentence of up to 33 years for a raid and kidnapping in Las Vegas.

Tweets at @HermanStam